The Ultimate Declutter
Whether you own a lot of clothes that spill over into a storage unit, second bedroom or into the loft the not knowing what to do with it all can cause a lot of stress and steal our energy.
You may have heard recommendations of
”If you haven't worn it in the last 6 months”
”If it doesn't fit or suit or feels outdated” then get rid of it.
All great advice but we can be left thinking 'what if I need it in the future or what if it comes back into fashion?' and then overthinking the decision.
There is a key step before which is…
Set the VISION - A vision for yourself AND a vision for your wardrobe.
When you can't be bothered or you’re time poor a vision drives us on.
It evokes the saying of 'I'm the kind of person has a colourful tidy wardrobe'
It helps you move into higher quality behaviours and into action.
Setting a new more glorious standard to align with the woman you are becoming.
An organised wardrobe takes focus and discipline but when you know the direction you are heading in:
- Life flows more easily and clearly
- Ensures you are ready for all of life's opportunities
- Helps you choose an outfit faster or get rid of an item quicker
- Is a space to inspire you either with calm or inspiration (or maybe both!)
There is no ideal wardrobe size to have.
It's personal.
However there is an ideal way that a wardrobe can make you feel.
In control of your life, optimistic about the future and at peace in your body.
For that we must define what feeds your energy to do this and how that will look
'How would I like my wardrobe to feel - What kind of space would help and inspire me to get dressed?’
Which of these wardrobes inspires you?
Minimalist- 15-35 0utfits from a small number of quality, neutral clothes.
You'd be happy to repeat your outfits often.
Mid-sized Capsule - +50 outfits. Manageable, organised, harmonised colour, prepared for life but desire choice.
Supports the different roles, environments and mood in your life!
Maximalist and Creative - Infinite outfits! - Freedom to play - the story of your life displayed.
The abundance feels like a warm hug.
All the colours and textures
5 unexpected questions to help you edit decisively.
Would I buy this item back into my wardrobe again?
Does this help me to create my vibe (from RESET wk 1)?
Does this item fit with my current life or ambitions for the future?
When I wear it do I feel good in my body, can I alter or style it differently if not?
Does it fit with the vision of you as a person and your wardrobe?
I offer an ‘Ultimate Declutter’ service to help you streamline an overwhelming collection. The package is built to your individual needs which may include organising your clothes, shoes & accessories, archiving/ recording your designer or vintage pieces, introducing you to resellers that are an appropriate match, or just taking back control of all your spaces.
If you would like further 1-to-1 help, let’s have a chat.
Click the button below to book a call to discuss which support is the best for you.